
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017

Lucyd-Augmented Reality

  Lucyd begins his official Bounty program to reward the supporters of Bitcointalk. The program will work until the end of the ICO, pre-sale will start on October 17 A total of 2% of the tokens sold are reserved for Bounty Campaigns. The general bounty pool will be divided as follows: TokenMarket - 2.5% Gleam - 2.5% Twitter Campaign - 15% Facebook Campaign - 10% Reddit - 5% Translations - 15% Telegram - 5% Signature - 20% Publications-15% Augmented Reality (AR) is a direct view of the real environment, aligned with computer interfaces. Hungry thoughts of visual information. "More than 50% of the cerebral cortex is dedicated to processing visual information," says Professor David Williams of the University of Rochester. This requires some clever lens to meet these needs. Now the task is solved with the help of Lucyd, ready to meet this need, and will open a new era of visual research with Lucyd Lens. We believe that a knowledgeable team, revolutionary technology and innova

SOMA stands for the social market

Of course anyone who is familiar with the concept of crypto currency should be quite familiarized with this project, created by a great team. The team directly includes a large number of talented people whose ideas help every crypto currency holder get the most profitable dividend that will depend directly on the size of your investment in the project. However, buying or selling goods on social networks is unsafe and somewhat impractical. For this purpose there is a special platform for sales. But what happens when we combine these two worlds - the social networking world and the special platform for sale? Get SOMA project. The official website - The SOMA project developers are highly professional and targeted. He developed detailed road maps and followed them steadily. To implement it, they started the ICO project from SOMA. The start of ICO is on September 26, and will finally end on October 26th. A total of 60,000,000 SCT tokens were issued. Token required

UAHPay - kartu debit bank cryptocurrency

Hallo All .. Saya ingin memberi tahu Anda dan mengenalkan kepada semua bitcoinner untuk mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan situs UAHPAY, di mana mereka menjalankan proyek berkualitas dan mengembangkan proyek nyata dalam membangun sebuah proyek yang kami inginkan. Jadi, saya ingin mengundang Anda untuk berinvestasi di proyek UAHPAY dimana proyek ini menjanjikan, dan saya mengarahkan Anda untuk menunjukkan bagaimana proyek ini akan menuju PRA-ICO SEP, 22,2017 - Oktober, 23, 2017 dan di mana Anda masih memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan proyek ini, dan mendapatkan keuntungan dalam menginvestasikan Anda pada proyek ini. Dan saya membantu Anda untuk tidak membuat kesalahan dalam memilih sebuah proyek dan membuat sebuah artikel untuk membantu Anda berpartisipasi dalam proyek UAHPAY. Visi dari proyek UAHPAY Tujuan terbesar UAHPAY adalah menciptakan lingkungan perbankan yang aman bagi warga Ukraina. Ini perlu dibangun berdasarkan kepercayaan dan keamanan. Ini han